Cookie workshop

Jorge Vieira
workshopJorge Vieira

Get your hands dirty!

Express your creativity and get a delicious treat for doing it - what could be better than this? Our cookie workshop offers just that to both kids and parents. A special opportunity for a different kind of fun where everyone is invited to use their hands to do all sorts of funny and cute animals.  

cookiesJorge Vieira
workshopJorge Vieira

Follow the chef's directions

Younger and less experienced "cooks" have no need to feel intimidated: this activity is always coordinated by our pastry chef. He will make sure that everyone leaves this activity with a good bunch of tasty cookies. Use your hands, rolling pins and all sorts of cookie cutters to make the most out of this fun adventure.    

ninhoJorge Vieira


Stroll in and out of the estate and discover our birds, Alentejo's best barometer of the season change.

View Birding

Treasure hunting

Let the kids have lots of fun by letting them go after a hidden treasure.

View Treasure hunting
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